30 Pink Deluxe Box Osiana Roses


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Roses have been recognized as a symbol of love, sensuality, and beauty in various cultures. They generally represent admiration, affection, and respect for someone.


Black Deluxe Box With Osiana

Black Deluxe Box with Fresh Cut Blue Roses (Deluxe 25-30 roses hand crafted box, Order today Get Same-Day Flower Delivery in Queens, New York. Designed by New York Flowers


Additional information

Pink Deluxe Box Osiana Roses comes in a 15" diameter

Pink Deluxe Box Osiana Roses comes in a 15" diameter (Standard), Pink Deluxe Box Osiana Roses comes in a 15" diameter (Deluxe), Pink Deluxe Box Osiana Roses comes in a 15" diameter (Premium)